Somehow, a miracle took place yesterday. Whilst things were not perfect, far from it, the people were at the meeting point and the Ceremony started around 9 pretty much as I had anticipated.

I was told by another participants through the WIPCE Fan page that they’d be bused from the Plaza de Armas at 7:30. Given the level of disorganisation, I considered highly unnecessary to even try join them although a colleague did and discovered that you were also invited to walk up the hill for 40 minutes to get there if you wished to add to the spiritual quality of our gathering. She was really pleased with the effort. Meanwhile, at the hotel, enjoying breakfast in a less spiritual manner that tends to characterize me, I met Cynthia, working for a Masai community in Kenya and Luz, an Aymara Bolivian scholar based in Tucson.

Luz with a fellow countryman

I only have a far picture for Cynthia but tomorrow you’ll have the close up. Here she is, resting and taking a photo of us at Sacsayhuaman while Luz and I were climbing higher and higher…

Cynthia is hard to spot, in a red Tshirt sitting on a stone

I packed and changed from my room to another even lovelier with a view on the patio and we proceeded to Sacsayhuaman. There, we experienced a deep and magical feeling a communion with a celebration of the Pachamama and prayers to various elements, the sun, the water, the wind, the food…pity the people who were holding that ceremony were closer to a group of hippies than to real masters, said a professor from the Smithonian after the ceremony…Who cares really, it was a great ceremony, we were all given three coca leaves and a whistle

that had to be held to iti (the sun) and to the various elements north south east west while the Master chanted or prayed, then all our coca leaves “filled with our good intentions and thoughts were burnt in dedicated sacred firebowls.

The ceremony was followed by some official speeches, one of them by Miryam’s boss Bixente Otta, Vice-Minister for Intercultural Affairs in Peru, which deplored the lack of information regarding this whole event in a very good speech and the excellent translation of Miryam Yataco.

the translation was great because she not only conveyed perfectly what he was saying but also explained a few things along the line.

Here’s a sample of what took place during the ceremony and the diversity of the wonderful people who attend this meeting.

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After the ceremony, I tried to identify my SLonFB members. As it wasn’t easy with such a crowd and even with my description, only two found me…So I asked to use the loudspeaker for my call…not as easy as it sound because the hippy girl who had been such a terrible translator during the ceremony bowed very hypocritically to let me know that I certainly couldn’t use the mike as “this was a conference”…I’m happy to report that her male colleague who looked somewhat more authentic and at least a Quechua speaker, was happy to let me have a go…So we now have a whole bunch of new friends coming to check us out! It was funny to see them say, “did you say sociolinguists? I am a sociolinguist, may I join?”.

So we met briefly and together headed in the direction of a supposedly arranged lunch which eventually turned up, only after everyone had totally despaired and got into cabs back in town. We identified what will now be our official SLonFB meeting point in Cusco, a delightful coffee shop serving excellent meals, the Inca Café!

Then the meeting really started, but I am going to leave the comments on the sessions for my next post and will leave you with photos of the typical flowers and gardens of Cuzco to preserve the spiritual quality of that very special morning…

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3 responses to “WIPCE, World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education Day 1”

  1. Kia ora Daphne. You are doing a brilliant job of keeping the sociolinguistic group informed. Thank you for loading your pictures. Altitude sickness is kicking in today. I am quite overcome but will make it to your session this afternoon. Your description of the opening ceremony conveys the awe of the occasion, despite as you described the question about the authenticity of the ceremonial circle. I am reserving judgement at the moment as I ponder the landscape and the role of the Quechuan leaders in this whole conference. There seems to be an absence of the indigenous hand in the preparation – especially as the front line people are hired in to organise the technology and they have no idea of what is going on. I am worried that the indigenous people of Cuzco are not in the leadership of this conference. It feels that way, especially as the Quechuan participants in the sessions I have attended appear to be guests – in there own territory. They have made me and my partner Penny feel welcome and have made it clear to us they are happy to see us here. That in itself has been a special time. Such an important conference – it is disappointing the organisation has not been as good as we would hope. We have all come from such a long way and paid a lot of money and done a lot of preparation. Some of us did not even make it on to the programme despite having been confirmed as a presenter. Oh well – as we would say in Maori – there must be a reason…I await for it to be revealed.


  2. Hi toni, I guess you are right point out that the event has not been orgnized by indigneous people. It has been organized as usual by those who claim and who pretend to represent the voice of native Quechua speakers… and I saw one of the picks… it is so funny to see there some people who always put down Quechua speakers and even has abused them without mercy by dispossessing their lands… I’m getting sad with this whole performance…


  3. […] year, the opportunity of a WIPCE Congress gives me after 8 years the pleasure to see most of my Indigenous colleagues next week, but also to visit again the […]


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